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Monday, June 13, 2011

First Blog EVER (drum roll please)

I decided to borrow(steal) an idea from an artist I greatly admire for my first blog ever. I hope she doesn't mind, and I plan on giving her credit at the end of my first blog ever. So here's her idea: she makes a list of all her favorite things in life(simple idea but beautiful nonetheless). The beauty of this list is that you really feel like you know the person after you read it(I know after I read her list I was nodding and smiling)(have I mentioned that I use parentheses way too much)(I'm pretty sure parentheses will be on the "things I love list"). Anyway, so without further ado here is my

THINGS I LOVE LIST: (by the way--no people are mentioned on this list--wouldn't want to hurt any feelings by order of appearance or no mention entirely)
*Coffee in the morning when nobody's around 
*Any food that looks, smells or tastes like chocolate
*The sound and smell of rain
*The texture of stone
*Strange rock formations
*Acoustic guitar
*Watching my cats do just about anything
*Watching my husband sleep(broke my no people in the list rule--but it's my blog, I can do what I want)
*Wine with chocolate
*Wine with chocolate,listening to the rain
*Wine with chocolate, listening to the rain and acoustic guitar(I think you get the point--everything's good with wine)
So there you have it--my first foray into the blog scene and my first Things I Love List.
I'm very tired after all of that so I'll sign off now(what is the proper way to close a blog post I wonder)
Catch ya next time?, Thanks for listening?, And that's the way it is(reference for the older crowd)?
how bout,
Peace and Love,
almost forgot--here's that great artist I was talking about earlier--her name is Amy Komar and here's her blog
  (she creates these beautiful abstract paintings on stones she finds in her travels--and she lives in Alaska--which makes her doubly cool(is 'doubly' a word--don't know but I'll use it)

1 comment:

  1. hey amy! love your list of good things...happy to inspire...your blog is looking good and thank you for the shout out! Happy Solstice from Alaska!!
