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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Artists are Weird

I was just reading a quote attributed to Martha Graham and it was about how artists are never really satisfied with their work.  And I started thinking about that and wondering why that might be. Which then got me wondering why I might really like something I create one day and than think it's complete garbage a few days later. The same does not hold true for anything else in my life that I can think of. For instance I have always loved chocolate and I will until the day I die. I have always loved Beatles music and I can't see that ever changing. So why the flip-flopping when it comes to my art. I can only come to one conclusion: artists are weird.

Peace and love,


Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Opposite of Artist's Block

There is a condition known as artist's block or creative block that from what I understand means that an artist cannot create because their inspiration and/or creative ideas have dried up. I am having the opposite problem right now: I have way, way, way too many ideas floating around in my brain. Everything I see around me is a possible sculpture to create. I have soooooo many little pieces of paper with drawings and scribbled notes floating around that it would take me several lifetimes to produce those designs. It is frustrating to say the least. Its hard to concentrate on making one thing when you have a hundred other ideas pushing to get out and the other ideas are trying to persuade you to give up on your current idea (read that last sentence a few times--it will eventually make sense)  So for all of those artists that complain that inspiration is nowhere to be found just remember it could be worse--you could have the opposite of artist's block (I tried to think of a creative term for the 'opposite of artist's block' but I guess I have writer's block)
peace and love,
Amy's Brain

Saturday, July 2, 2011

To Create or not to Create (that is the question)

Let me set the scene: it is 6 something on a Saturday morning and no one is stirring in the house yet. I am sitting on our lanai staring out into the woods and I can smell the ultra strong coffee I concoct brewing. The sun is just starting to come up and the light dancing on the trees and grass resembles a beautiful oil painting. The birds are singing quietly today(usually it sounds like the Fraternal Order of Birds is having their annual meeting at our house).
I have just poured the coffee...I have just sipped the coffee...this is my idea of what heaven might look like.
I must admit quite a bit of time has gone by(one of my talents is the ability to stare into the woods for long periods of time) and I am trying to muster the energy to go create something. Sometimes I feel this pressing need to make art (the ideas in my head are so insistent that I don't have a choice), sometimes I just meander into my workspace(don't really call it a studio--it's the garage) and start working, and sometimes I kind of have to force things to happen. It feels more like an obligation then a desire. But in the back of my head I know that once I get started I won't stop until (a)someone comes to get me or (b) I start thinking about food.
oh well, time to make the concrete
peace and love,